Skin 101

Did you know that the skin is the single largest organ of the human body?

No? Well congratulations on being today’s years old & finding out this pretty cool fact.

Point is caring for your skin is not a matter to be taken lightly. Healthy, well-treated skin is attractive and a high source of self-esteem. Truth is, skincare is essential for all of us; we want products and regimens that can keep our skin calm and free from any kind of pimples and blemishes. Good news? Taking care of this great big organ is really a matter of simple little tasks – here are just a few of them

Drink Water

When they say “drink your water and mind ya business”, they ain’t never lied. Try drinking eight to ten glasses of water, with one cup of unsweetened green tea a day, for a week to detox your skin (let us know how that goes). The water flushes out the toxins in your body while the green tea helps repair your skin most importantly, you get a few extra steps in for the day because you’ll be heading to the bathroom a lot. Hello Fresh Face, Clear Skin & Summer Body!

Consistency is Key

Sis, whether you are hanging upside down, using male tears as a toner or simply washing your face before going to sleep… be consistent with it. Not only will this help you maintain the state of your skin, but the second you eat or use something different, your skin will tell a story. So you’ll know what to include or exclude in your diet or skin regimen.

Remember We are Not The Same

What works for Felicia may not necessarily work for Becky, and what works for Becky, may work for your skin but may not necessarily your budget. Which brings me to the next point…

Know Thy Budget

Don’t let them lie to you, good skin is an investment, BIG FACTS! But Thou shall not sell thy soul or enter great debt. Make sure that whatever commitment and ritual you introduce to your skin to, is within your budget. As Skin Food Enthusiasts, we post various Tips, Scrubs, Mask that you can use with ingredients you most probably have in your kitchen. If you don’t have them in your kitchen already, and need to buy it… it’ll have more than one purpose in your household.

Seasons Change

Ever wondered why your favourite product betrays you, but it’s not really betrayal, but you feel like it’s not doing what it use to, because you love it and it’s treated you so good all along, so you don’t intend on changing it because it pulled you out of the valley of the shadow of bad skin so now you feel indebted to it, even though you deserve to have amazing skin?

Well this probably because the Season or your Environment changed. Even your Holy Grail product sometimes needs a little boost. What works for you in summer may not necessarily work for you during winter. Adding a few drops of the right essential oil or incorporating a face mist, will drastically boost the effects of your current products without tainting your loyalty.

During the winter months, take care of the skin on your feet by applying a heavy-duty cream. The creams for your feet in the winter months should contain petroleum jelly or glycerine. The greasy feeling may be uncomfortable for a few minutes, but you’ll avoid itching and painful cracking on the soles of your feet.


By essentials, I mean essential oil. There’s literally an essential oil for every skin goal, skin ailment, every mood, every pallet, every season, every man in your life… look I can go and on. I use Tea Tree for my face, Honeysuckle for my bath, Sandalwood for my indecisiveness, Oak wood with my perfume in winter and Peppermint for this attitude. These are my essentials.

Sun Kisses

Spending as little as 10 minutes outside, soaking up the sun each day can really improve acne and skin. Sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body and vitamin D is an essential nutrient for healthy skin. Vitamin D can also be found in some types of fish, specially fortified foods and in health supplements.

But not too much sun kisses

Your skin needs to be protected from UVA and UVB rays to keep it in the best possible condition and protected from sun damage. You should always opt for a broad spectrum coverage formula for the best protection. One with at least an SPF of 15 is recommended and should be applied every two hours. Remember, sun screen should not be kept longer than a year.

Know your skin

You need to be able to identify what kind of skin you have in order to treat it well. For example, if you have dry skin, you will notice your skin is tight and perhaps even flaky after washing. You need to avoid astringents and soaps, use cream-based cleansers whenever you can, and non-clogging moisturizers to soothe and protect.

Dry Skin

To prevent dry skin from occurring, you can apply almond oil to it. Almond oil can be applied to your entire body, face included. After it is applied, do not rinse it off. Do, however, be aware of any allergies you might have. Apply the almond oil to a small area and check for an allergic reaction before applying it to your entire body.

Body wash is actually one of the most important factors in dry skin. Use moisturizing body wash with vitamins instead. While the moisturizers help keep moisture in the skin, the vitamins regenerate it.

Red Skin

If you want to reduce unwanted redness in your skin, skip the store-bought products and try making your own redness reducer. That way you’ll know exactly what’s going on your skin, and you can avoid harsh ingredients that will potentially irritate your skin further or cause breakouts. You can make your skin treatment out of a little bit of jojoba oil and some Aloe Vera juice, both of which are gentle and readily available at the grocery or health food store.

Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, make sure to use a gel based or foaming cleanser both in the morning and at night. Cleansers targeted specifically for your type of skin will help wash away excess oils and dirt clogging your pores. Make sure the product says it’s for oily skin.

Eye Care

When you start to wear eye cream at night, be sure you know how to apply it properly. Do not roughly rub it on your skin. Instead, line a few dots of the cream under your eyes and on the eye lids. Gently pat the area around your eyes with the pads of your fingers until the cream blends in with your skin.


A necessary skin care step that many people skip is exfoliation. This is the removal of the top layer of dry, dead skin using either a soft brush or exfoliation gloves. It’s necessary for younger, healthier skin. In fact, the reason why men often have younger-looking skin than women, is because shaving automatically exfoliates their skin. An added bonus for women, is that exfoliating will help their foundation go on more smoothly

Healthy skin isn’t as hard as it sounds. The tips in this article have, hopefully, given you some insights on the proper skin care that will help you to get that healthy glow. Hopefully, you know just a little more about what’s going on with your skin and how to take care of it now. Keep these tips in mind and get glowing!

Get plenty of exercise. Exercising frequently helps your skin maintain a healthy fresh glow by regulating the oxygen flow in your body. Make sure you avoid wearing makeup while you exercise because your it can trap your sweat within your pores and cause a breakout. Take a clean cloth with you to wipe your face every time you sweat to avoid any dirt clogging your pores.

If you notice that white bumps have appeared on the skin under your eyes, don’t worry. They are the harmless indication that you have an excess of dead skin cells under your eyes. If you want to get rid of them, do not exfoliate since this can damage the paper-thin skin that sits just above your cheekbones. Instead, use an eye product with vitamin A, which will gently slough away the bumps.

Use a home-made clay mask to soothe and heal your skin. Clay masks can be used for all skin types. You can get a basic green clay from your local health-food store, this is called bentonite clay. Add water or milk to the clay, which comes in a powder form, to create a mask that is the consistency of lotion.

For radient, great-looking skin, make sure you’re avoiding the sun during the hottest hours of the day. If you must be outside between 10 am and 4pm, apply plenty of sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat. Reapply your sunscreen every two hours – trust us, your skin will thank you!

Skin care is like any big job – really it is just a bunch of little jobs. The preceding tips are only some of the little jobs you can integrate into an effective skin care routine. Take advantage of the ones that feel right to you, and always be on the lookout for more little skin jobs.

♥ My Cannabutter