Onion Hair Growth Oil

Lack of hair growth or slow hair growth is one of the common hair complaints. Any hormonal changes in the body or sudden dietary changes can lead to hair fall or slow hair growth for the time being until the hormones are balanced or until the body is adjusted to new diet routine. If stress, lack of hair care, dandruff, clogged hair follicles, lack of external and internal nourishment, using excessive products etc. are the causes behind your stunt hair growth, you can try using onion oil along with eating right.


Sulphur helps to improve the production of collagen tissues which is very necessary for the growth of hair. Onions are very rich in sulphur content which makes them a great ingredient for hair growth.

Has anti-bacterial properties and prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on the scalp that reduces fungal and bacterial acne and fungal dandruff and also minimizes the chances of losing hair due to these problems.

Moisturizes hair and scalp and makes it more manageable and softer.

Nourishes hair and scalp, boosts growth, makes hair thicker and heathier gradually.

Things you need:

1 cup organic My Cannabutter or almond oil or any other carrier oil of your choice.

2 big sized onions


To make onion oil, you need to first prepare onion paste. To make onion paste, simply blend onions (remove the outer layer and wash) to make a smooth fresh onion paste. In a saucepan, add My Cannabutter and place it on medium heat. Add in onion paste and cover it with a lid for few minutes. Remove the lid and let the onion fry until you are left with brown residue. Turn off the flame and let the oil cool. Strain and your onion oil is ready!

Use it to massage your scalp and hair 2 hours before shampooing. Use twice a week.