Natural Protein Hair Treatment

Thick hair is regarded as an asset that enhances ones physical appearance. One can suffer from hair fall, dry hair, rough hair etc. due to a variety of reasons like stress, using too many hair products, not maintaining cleanliness, not taking enough care of your hair, genes, pollution etc. Egg is a well-known hair softener but did you know that it also helps you fight hair fall? Below is how you could use eggs for hair fall:

Whipped Cannabutter and Egg


An excellent source of nourishing oils and proteins, egg applied directly to the hair; help your locks to seal in moisture and repair damage caused by dehydration and chemical treatments.

Eggs give your hair a nourishing coating that reduces tangles thus reduces hair fall. They are a great source of protein that strengthens your hair follicles and makes your hair naturally thick.

Eggs are rich in protein, sulfur, and biotin and that is why they are essential for healthy and strong hair.

You will need:

1-2 Eggs

1 Tsp My Cannabutter 

2-4 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil


Break 2 eggs and give them a quick whisk. Add 1 tablespoon of My Cannabutter along with few drops of essential oil of your choice and whisk again. Apply this mask on the scalp and hair using a cotton ball and tie a hair bun. Rinse your hair with cool water after 1-2 hours. Do not shampoo instead go all-natural and use apple cider vinegar.

To get rid of the eggy smell and condition your hair use a vinegar hair rinse that will also add a beautiful shine to your hair.