Lemon Hair Growth Treatment

Some people are lucky enough to have natural good hair growth which can be genetic or due to a good diet. We are not all blessed with thick and luscious hair, so we requires topical treatments along with nutritious food and vitamin supplements. Before you go to a doctor or purchase commercial hair growth products, try our Lemon Treatment below recipe:


Lemon juice- Helps balance scalp pH, unclog follicles, boost hair growth and add shine to hair. Also helps reduce frizz and tangling.

My Cannabutter- Moisturizes hair, reduces scalp tingling which is due to the acidic nature of lemon, soothes scalp, boosts hair growth, adds shine.

Things you need:

1/2 cup My Cannabutter

juice of 2 whole lemons


In a bowl, add melted My Cannabutter and add in lemon juice.Warm up the mixture only a bit and apply on scalp and hair. Let it sit for 2 hours before hair wash.

**Caution- Patch test before using.