How to Make Aloe Vera Gel at Home

Natural skin care is sooooo in and is the best thing you could do for Skin and Hair (Beards included)! We love natural ingredients they are effective, mild and free of any side effects (provided you are not allergic to any particular ingredient).

Aloe vera gel is a widely used natural skin care ingredient that has a variety of skin benefits but to avoid the tiresome process of extracting aloe gel, people end up purchasing commercial gels that contain artificial fragrance, colour and yucky chemicals. Below is an easy way to make your own Aloe Vera Gel in the comfort of your home!

Things you need:

Fresh aloe vera leaf



Hand slicing/peeling tool


Grab a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash thoroughly. Peel the corners/thorny sides first so that it is easy to remove the centre skin from both sides.

Using the same peeling tool, peel off the remaining skin. Using a knife, cut off the gel part and store it in a bowl as you do it.

Once you are done achieving the gel (which is still solid), add it in a blender and blend until smooth and frothy. The froth should reduce after few minutes. Transfer the gel in a bowl/jar and store it in the fridge.