Does Breastfeeding Cause Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is normal and absolutely temporary. With the birth of your baby, hormonal changes are bound to accompany the birth. A larger number of hairs than normal enter the resting phase. Since the resting phase is followed by hair shedding (and regrowth), new mothers will experience greater than normal hair loss once the resting phase ends. But don’t stress too much, most women return to their usual hair cycle between 6 to 12 months after birth.

Does My Cannabutter help with Post Pregnancy Hair Loss?

My Cannabutter’s secret is CBD Oil. CBD Oil is the key to a Healthy Scalp making it the perfect ingredient for people with Thinning and Receding Hairlines. It’s regenerative for the skin, so it helps the scalp maintain necessary things to keep it healthy, like good blood circulation and quelling dandruff and sore or irritated hair follicles. We have had Moms see noticeable results as quick as 25 days.